This was the directed chart of Subject D, winner of $13 million
dollars. There were no new beginnings in life, no mutual receptions
had formed and no final dispositors had appeared. However, while the
Moon trined the conjunction of the Sun and Venus, just as it did in
the natal chart, the house rulership of those planets had changed. In
the directed chart, the Sun ruled the 8th house of
lotteries, and Venus ruled the 5th house of risks and
gambles, as well as the Midheaven. Saturn, which conjuncted Pluto,
planet of wealth and transformation, had become the directed chart
ruler as well as co-ruler of the 2nd house of money, and
Pluto was co-ruler of the 11th house of plot twists and
lucky breaks.
Another thing worth
noting above was that directed Chiron, of triumphant ascendancy, rewards and
once-in-a-lifetime events, conjuncted the Prenatal Lunar Eclipse at
12 Sagittarius 22 in the directed 11th house of plot twists and
lucky breaks.
The comparison of solar arc directions to the natal chart of Subject D below is a prime example of how lucky a chart looks when we win a huge sum of money.
The comparison of solar arc directions to the natal chart of Subject D below is a prime example of how lucky a chart looks when we win a huge sum of money.
Directed Saturn,
ruler of the 2nd house of money, and directed Pluto,
planet of wealth and transformation, conjuncted the natal Midheaven.
That was exceptionally powerful energy. Oddly enough, this is a
combination that often shows up in secondary progressed charts when
the chart owner has joined the military or police force, and is about
to embark on the most dangerous year of his or her life. Pluto =
power, and Saturn = authority.
Saturn, ruler of the
2nd house of money, squared the natal East Point to
capture the attention of the public. Saturn also squared natal Uranus
of sudden and unexpected changes in fortune; directed Uranus, in turn, conjuncted
the natal Part of Fortune in the 8th house of lotteries.
Directed Pluto
conjuncted natal Mercury, ruler of the Midheaven at the
Midheaven, completely altering Subject D’s path in life forever. Pluto also sextiled natal Jupiter, the chart ruler, showing the opportunity
for good fortune. It also squared the East Point.
Directed Transpluto
of payoffs, and the directed Part of Fortune, which were part of the stellium at the Midheaven, conjuncted both
the natal Sun and natal Venus, ruler of the 11th house of
plot twists and lucky breaks. It trined the natal Moon, ruler of the
8th house of lotteries.
Directed Mars, ruler
of the 5th house of risks and gambles, conjuncted the
directed Vertex date with destiny, and together they:
- Squared the natal chart ruler, Jupiter, as well as the natal Moon’s Nodes.
- Trined the natal East Point, which was like saying to the public, “She took a chance that paid off big time.”
- Sextiled natal Uranus, bringing opportunity for a sudden change in fortune.
The Moon ruled the
8th house of lotteries. The directed Moon in the 7th
house squared natal Mercury at the natal Midheaven, and also ruled it.
Venus ruled the 11th
house of twists of fate and lucky breaks. In conjunction with the
directed Sun, directed Venus:
- Squared the Vertex date with destiny in the 8th house of lotteries.
- Sextiled Saturn, ruler of the 2nd house of money.
- Sextiled the East Point, which captured public attention.
Also from the 11th
house, the conjunction of directed Mercury and Midheaven made a
trine to natal Uranus. Directed Uranus conjuncted the natal Part of
Fortune and natal Transpluto of payoffs. It also squared natal
Chiron, of triumphant ascendancy and rewards, in
the 11th house of lucky breaks. The directed Moon’s
Nodes sextiled and trined natal Chiron, of crowning achievements, helping to bring about a turning point or
Directed Neptune
squared natal Saturn, ruler of the 2nd house of money, and
trined natal Mars, ruler of the 5th house of risks and
gambles, along with the natal Vertex date with destiny in the 8th
house of lotteries.
Directed Chiron conjuncted the
Prenatal Lunar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius 22 in the 1st
house, and squared both the natal Sun and natal Venus, ruler of the
11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks.
The directed
Ascendant had just entered the natal 2nd house of money.
From there, it:
- Trined the natal Moon, ruler of the 8th house of lotteries.
- Trined the natal Sun and Venus. Venus ruled the 11th house of lucky breaks.
- Squared natal Neptune in the 10th house of public acknowledgment.
Finally, the
directed East Point, in the middle of the 2nd house of
money, trined the Prenatal Solar Eclipse at 28 Taurus 42, then
opposed the natal Part of Fortune in the 8th house of
Below: A very merry Christmas to Subject D! These were the transits to the directed chart on December 22, 1984, the evening that Subject D won a lucky $13 million dollars in the lottery.
Below: A very merry Christmas to Subject D! These were the transits to the directed chart on December 22, 1984, the evening that Subject D won a lucky $13 million dollars in the lottery.
We can see how the transiting Moon acted as a timer to conjunct the directed Ascendant that says “You. Here. Now.” A new Moon occurred just before Sunrise, about fourteen hours and some odd minutes before the drawing. Whenever new Moons and eclipses make strong aspects to our charts, we need to pay attention to what else might be going on. For instance, the transiting Sun, ruler of the 8th house of lotteries, and transiting Neptune, planet of “Is this real?” were conjunct each other that evening, and together, they conjuncted the directed Jupiter and South Node of the Moon, near the Ascendant. Of course, this was the Winter Solstice Moon, and for that reason alone we should take a careful look at the aspects it made. But if you recall, when we looked at the transits to the natal chart, we noticed only that the Moon, fourteen and some odd hours later, conjuncted the cusp of the 2nd house. We’ll be looking at lunations in a later chapter, but for now, let’s remember to look not only at new Moons in our natal charts, but the aspects they make in all of our progressed and directed charts, too.
Transiting Jupiter,
moving through the 1st house, squared the directed Sun /
Venus conjunction. The directed Sun ruled the 8th house of
lotteries. Directed Venus ruled the Midheaven and the 5th
house of risks and gambles. Jupiter square Venus is a classic aspect
of “too much” or “extravagance.” The transiting Vertex date
with destiny squared natal Mercury and the Midheaven, while applying
to a conjunction with the directed East Point of public attention.
Transiting Venus was
just 10 minutes into the directed 2nd house of money, right on the
cusp, where it trined the Sun / Venus conjunction. It squared
Neptune, planet of fantasies, in the 10th house of the
public, where it undoubtedly burst many bubbles of illusion for those
who didn’t win. And finally, it also trined the directed Moon,
ruler of the Descendant. It was a highly active Venus.
Mars, co-ruler of
the 11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks, also
transited through the 2nd house of money, where it trined
the directed Midheaven and sextiled directed Jupiter. Easy aspects
between Mars and Jupiter are always welcome.
The transiting
Midheaven had just crossed the cusp into the 5th house of
risks and gambles, and we might say it reached its goal, because
that’s one of the things the Midheaven represents—our goals, and
those things to which we aspire. Our Yearning. Our perceived purpose in Life. Our raison d'ĂȘtre. Our ikigai. It's our brand and how we roll.
The transiting North Node of the Moon, also in the 5th house, conjuncted the Prenatal Solar Eclipse at 28 Taurus 42. It had reached the apex of two natal inconjunct aspects, one with the directed Midheaven, and one with directed Jupiter. That’s a yod, the hand of God or finger of fate aspect.
The transiting North Node of the Moon, also in the 5th house, conjuncted the Prenatal Solar Eclipse at 28 Taurus 42. It had reached the apex of two natal inconjunct aspects, one with the directed Midheaven, and one with directed Jupiter. That’s a yod, the hand of God or finger of fate aspect.
The transiting North Node also trined the directed East Point, which captured public imagination. The transiting East Point:
- Conjuncted the cusp of the 8th house of lotteries, and directed Mars, co-ruler of the 11th house of lucky breaks.
- Sextiled the directed Sun, ruler of the 8th house of lotteries.
- Squared directed Neptune in the 10th house of public acknowledgment.
- Opposed directed Venus, ruler of the Midheaven and 5th house of risks and gambles, occupying the 2nd house of money.
The transiting
Ascendant was just separating from a trine with directed Jupiter, and
in an out-of-sign trine with the directed South Node, the transiting
Ascendant being thirty seconds shy of 00 Virgo, and the South Node at
02 Capricorn.
Transiting Pluto was
a couple of degrees past the trine and sextile to the directed Moon’s
Nodes, and square to directed Uranus, ruler of the 2nd
house of money.
Transiting Saturn, the chart ruler, just inside the cusp of the 11th house, conjuncted the transiting South Node of the Moon. It sextiled its own directed position, and squared the Mars / Vertex conjunction in the 8th house of lotteries.
Last, but not least,
we come to the lucky 11th house conjunction of transiting
Mercury and transiting Uranus, ruler of the 2nd house of
money. They conjuncted directed Chiron of triumphant ascendancy and
once-in-a-lifetime rewards, and the Prenatal Lunar Eclipse at 12
Sagittarius 22.
© Lesia Valentine 2018
© Lesia Valentine 2018
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