November 5, 2011

Oklahoma Earthquake


Prague, Oklahoma 4.7 Earthquake
November 5, 2011
02:12:45 AM
35N57 / 96W41

Mars opposed to Chiron and Neptune Rx
conjunct the ascendant / descendant axis

Moon square the Moon's Nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius in the intercepted 4th and 10th houses 

Ascendant and Midheaven in earth signs

Saturn is unaspected

Venus and Jupiter Rx are in mutual reception

South Node in Gemini is disposed by Mercury in Sagittarius.

North Node in Sagittarius is disposed by Jupiter Rx in Taurus.

Mercury and Venus are conjunct and Jupiter Rx inconjuncts both.

The sun stands alone in Scorpio.

Uranus Rx (revolution, the sudden and unexpected) 
squares Pluto (underground, transformation, immense power) 
in an earth sign -
a long term transit that contributes significantly.

Neptune is stationary retrograde, due to go direct on Wednesday, 11/9/11, just hours after YU55 comes a callin'.

It makes me nervous that there are similar patterns in the chart for December 21, 2012

I prefer to believe the earth shuddered 
when Andy Rooney left the building. 

Rest In Peace
Andy Rooney
Jan 14, 1919 ~ Nov 4, 2011

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