March 26, 2019

The Eastpoint, Vertex and Transpluto

The ascendant in a chart is the degree and sign that is rising on the local horizon at the time of our birth. The East Point is the degree and sign rising on the equator at the time of our birth. Sometimes it is called the equatorial ascendant. For now, we'll limit the definition to personal matters which take place in public, or which gain public notice, or capture the public’s imagination. It’s almost a melding together of the ascendant and midheaven.


The vertex is a secondary or “another” descendant known as a date with destiny. It is associated with encounters and experiences over which we have little or no control. It represents fate and the ability to penetrate alternate realities and other realms. It’s said that two people whose vertex conjunct each other’s natal ascendant (orb of 2 degrees or less) are soul mates and have the ability to reach each other across the universe. 


Transpluto is not transiting Pluto. It is a hypothetical planet that may exist beyond the orbit of Pluto—thus the use of the prefix "trans." Its glyph looks like Mars wearing a belt. It is one in a stable of other hypothetical planets used by Uranian astrologers. 

In my research, I have found it to represent payoffs and winning. Some have called it a Super Venus. 

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