March 26, 2019

It's Not Like That

I think the general public has a slightly off-kilter perception of astrologers. Many years ago, I was being interviewed for a newspaper article, and the newspaper sent a photographer over to take my picture. He was a young guy, blonde, and put me slightly in mind of Owen Wilson. He wanted props in his picture, and asked me to turn down the lights and sit behind some lit candles. 

"It's not like that," I told him. 

"But it will make a good picture," he said, with his goofy grin. "People will like it." 

In the end, I relented, and I regretted it. I made him some cookies and said thanks.

It's not like that.

In fact, you are probably more woo woo than we are. 

I was somewhere in public a while back, and I always carry a book for waiting in lines and so forth. The one I had then was an astrology textbook. A man I know casually, with whom I may have had two or three 5-minute conversations, but see in passing all the time, happened by. He asked what I was reading and I showed him. His eyes were mockingly round, he waved his fingers in the air, and he said, "wooooo." 

*facepalm* It's not like that.


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