May 16, 2018

Subject B Daily Age Harmonics

Subject B’s harmonic chart presents an interesting challenge in locating the most important aspect. There were three readily apparent options.

The closest aspect was the Moon, ruler of the 11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks, opposed to Mercury, the chart ruler and ruler of the static Midheaven. There was an orb of 11 minutes between them, but it was separating.

The next closest aspect was the angular Uranus, planet of shocks, surprises and sudden changes in fortune, in trine to the floating Midheaven, which occupied the 11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks. The orb between them was 21 minutes, and it was applying. 

The third option included Mars, ruler and occupant of the 8th house of lotteries. Mars was at the apex of a yod (hand of God or finger of fate) constructed by the rising Saturn, ruler of the 5th house of risks and gambles (occupying an Aries Point), and Mercury (29 minutes shy of 00 Sagittarius), chart ruler and ruler of the static Midheaven.

All of them contributed to the win, but in spite of the tight angular position of Uranus (sorry, there was just no other way to say that), I believe that Mars, which occupied and ruled the 8th house of lotteries, is the correct answer. Yods are powerful aspects that point to a fated event. This is a good time, however, to disclose that when studying harmonic charts, I personally try to find the “top three” aspects because the first describes the event, and the next two reveal secondary details pertinent to it.

Before going further, let’s note that Mercury, both Ascendant and Midheaven ruler, was in mutual reception with Pluto, planet of wealth and transformation. The power of the stellium consisting of Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Transpluto was enormous. Venus ruled the 2nd house of money. Jupiter super-sized Pluto’s ability to bestow the kind of wealth that transforms a person’s life, and Transpluto paid off. Mars, ruler and occupant of the 8th house of lotteries trined the stellium. The Moon, ruler of the 11th house of plot twists and changes of fortune, and Mercury, the Ascendant and Midheaven ruler, squared it.

The South Node opposed the Prenatal Solar Eclipse at 10 Sagittarius 09.

The angular Vertex date with destiny, in conjunction with Uranus, squared the static Midheaven.

The floating Midheaven, which shows where the public’s attention was focused, occupied the 11th house of plot twists and changes in fortune.

The harmonic Ascendant trined the Prenatal Lunar Eclipse at 25 Taurus 55; the floating Midheaven sextiled it; Uranus and the Vertex date with destiny also sextiled it.

Comparing the Daily Age Harmonic to the natal chart of Subject B, above, we find harmonic Mars (ruler of the harmonic 8th house of lotteries), at the apex of a yod (with the harmonic Mercury - ruler of the harmonic Ascendant and Midheaven -  and harmonic Saturn - ruler of the harmonic 5th of risks and gambles), emptied into the natal 2nd house of money and also ruled it. It inconjuncted natal Jupiter, which sat right at the cusp of the natal 8th house of lotteries. Jupiter ruled the natal Midheaven.

Harmonic Saturn, one leg of the yod (and ruler of the natal 11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks), conjuncted natal Jupiter (ruler of the natal Midheaven) and the cusp of the 8th house. Harmonic Mercury, the second leg of the yod, and the harmonic chart ruler, sextiled natal Jupiter and squared the natal Sun. Harmonic Mars also opposed natal Neptune, co-ruler of the natal Ascendant, in the 8th house of lotteries.

The closest, but separating, aspect of the harmonic chart—the opposition of the Moon and Mercury—squared the natal opposition of the Sun and Pluto, which straddled the natal Ascendant / Descendant axis to form a Grand Cross. The harmonic Moon, ruler of the natal 5th house of risks and gambles, trined natal Jupiter (bigger, better, more), the natal Midheaven ruler.

The harmonic trine of Uranus with the floating Midheaven fell into the natal 1st house of personal identity, and the 5th house of risks and gambles, respectively. They formed a Grand Trine with the natal North Node. Separating at roughly three degrees, the orb is about a degree wide for harmonics, but we should at least consider it, because there it is.

The powerful stellium of Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Transpluto did surprisingly little in the natal chart. Venus, ruler of the natal 8th house of lotteries, sextiled natal Neptune, co-ruler of the Ascendant, which occupied the 8th house.

The harmonic Sun trined natal Mars, ruler of the 2nd house of money from the 11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks.

The harmonic Ascendant sextiled the natal North Node and trined the angular South Node. The harmonic South Node trined the natal Moon, ruler of the 5th house of risks and gambles, which occupied the 8th house of lotteries.

Harmonic Chiron, of triumphant ascendancy and rewards, conjuncted the natal Part of Fortune in the 5th house of risks and gambles, and sextiled the natal Vertex date with destiny.

The harmonic Part of Fortune trined the natal East Point, which represents personal matters which take place in public, or capture the public’s imagination. It also squared the natal Moon, ruler of the 5th house of risks and gambles, in the 8th house of lotteries.

The harmonic Vertex trined and sextiled the natal Moon’s Nodes, symbols of milestones and turning points.

In comparing the winning transits to the Daily Age Harmonic of Subject B, below, it’s all about the Moon’s Nodes.

 In comparing the winning transits to the daily age harmonic of Subject B, it’s all about the Moon’s Nodes, those symbols of milestones and turning points.

The transiting North Node conjoined the harmonic Sun.

Transiting Venus, ruler of the 2nd house of money, conjoined the harmonic North Node in the 2nd house, and trined the harmonic Part of Fortune.

The transiting South Node conjoined the harmonic Part of Fortune in the 10th house of public recognition.

Transiting Mercury, ruler of the harmonic Ascendant and Midheaven, along with transiting Mars, ruler of the 8th house of lotteries, opposed the harmonic South Node. They conjoined the Prenatal Solar Eclipse at 10 Sagittarius 09.

The transiting Part of Fortune conjoined the harmonic Moon, ruler of the 11th house of plot twists and lucky breaks.It also conjuncted the Prenatal Lunar Eclipse at 25 Taurus 55.

The transiting Moon conjoined the angular harmonic Vertex date with destiny, trined the harmonic Chiron of triumphant ascendancy and rewards, and squared the harmonic East Point, which captures the public's imagination.

Along with the transiting North Node, transiting Uranus, and the transiting Vertex date with destiny also conjoined the harmonic Sun.

Below is Subject B's 34th Year Harmonic Chart. Check out that loaded 2nd house and the Vertex conjunct the static Midheaven. Saturn, ruler of the 11th, conjuncted the Ascendant.

© Lesia Valentine 2018

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