I own first editions of Astrology for Everyone and Your Place Among the Stars by Evangeline Adams (whose birth date I share), but alas, I don’t own a single copy of The Bowl of Heaven, where she describes the experience of breaking her leg as a child. I borrowed the book from a library right after I left Los Angeles and not long before my Great Dane went to the Rainbow Bridge, so it must have been 1989. And I would swear that Adams gave an accounting of the incident that involved exchanging a mule for her horse because she already knew of the likelihood of an accident and possible broken bones on that day. I can find no such anecdote online. The way I recall it, she studied astrology from a young age with a local physician. She had seen a Mars / Saturn affliction in her own chart, and so to reduce the likelihood of an injury, instead of riding her horse to school that day, she took the slower, less frisky mule. Something spooked the mule; she fell off, and the result was a broken leg.
Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I am combining two different anecdotes that I read close to each other in a short period of time. If anyone else owns an old edition of the book, rather than a newer one where it may have been edited out, I’d love to know.
Valentin Naboth (a/k/a Valentine Naibod, Valentinus Naiboda or Nabod) was also an Aquarian (Feb 13, 1523 – Mar 3, 1593). A German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer, he was extolled for calculating the mean annual motion of the sun. His work inspired Tycho Brahe, Paul Wittich, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, and his method of progressing the angles of a chart are still used to this day. Naibod, as he is known in astrological circles, saw in his own chart that he was "about to enter a period of personal danger, so he stockpiled an adequate supply of food and drink, closed his blinds, and locked his doors and windows, intending to stay in hiding until the period of danger had passed. Unfortunately, some robbers, seeing the house closed and the blinds drawn, decided that the resident was absent. They therefore broke into what they thought was an empty house, and finding Naibod there, murdered him to conceal their identities. Thus he did not escape the fate predicted by his own astrological calculations."
The question here is:
Are some things fated,
or do we always have free will?
My natal chart contains a fixed Grand Cross and as far as I am concerned, they may as well have called it a Grand Curse. It indicates an entire lifetime of stress and an endless series of challenges and obstacles. One thing you will never hear a person with a fixed Cross say is, "That was easy." Imagine a nightmare where you are playing baseball and must continuously run the bases over and over without stopping, without resting, without ever reaching home plate, and the futility of it never ending in your entire lifetime.

With a cross to bear, there are four or more planets involved in two oppositions that square each other. Each planet involved in the cross represents an obstacle in the way of reaching your goals. Each one is a drama queen that forces you to focus your effort and attention on her rather than the goal you would like to reach. And you no sooner get one soothed than one of the others – or all of them at once! – begin to act up. You run from crisis to crisis to crisis and it gets damned tiring. You can never get even one situation resolved completely before you have to go and handle the next catastrophe. Life is onerous and in a constant state of commotion from which you are continually disrupted. There is no peace. Your identity is that of having great intensity just beneath the surface waiting to be released. In other words, you’re a volcano that just might explode.
When you have a Grand Cross in your chart, chances are that your planets are in a splash pattern, which means there’s really no one place to focus your resolve or ambition. You tend to be a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. You wear many hats and have many irons in the fire.
Things are not so bad if the Grand Cross is in cardinal signs, such as in the natal chart of Steve Jobs, because cardinal signs are initiating, entrepreneurial and constructive. That cross works in fits and starts, but it can achieve goals. It’s as if those people are in a race to reach the goal, but at some point they get to hand off the baton to someone else to complete while they move on the next thing that interests them. Those with cardinal crosses direct their effort to the outside world.
Crosses in mutable signs are directed to healing and reasoning. They are more flexible and adaptable and therefore able to juggle many balls relatively easily, as far as Crosses go. Memphis-born actress Kathy Bates has a mutable Grand Cross that involves a whopping seven planets and all four angles of the chart, incorporating her sun, Mercury and Venus in cardinal Cancer. The saving grace here is that Jupiter, involved in the cross, makes a trine to her natal Saturn and Pluto in the fortunate 11th house, a house that among other things is about finding footing in ever-changing circumstances, plot twists, and lucky breaks, perfect for someone who must constantly switch between roles, characters and plots. They are the rulers of her 3rd house of communication and 5th house of creativity and entertainment. The Jupiter trine funnels all that power right to Saturn and Pluto. Not every bearer of a Grand Cross is so lucky.
"My life is triage."
Fixed Grand Crosses are oriented in the inner world. These are people who are cerebral, satirical, discriminating and have a rich inner life. It greatly affects the self-worth, causing either a profound sense of self-doubt, or an inherent feeling of distinctiveness.
Astrologers that we would now describe as ancient, didn't give those with fixed crosses much to look forward to. This is the cross filled with the most stress and crises. It was singled out and named "the cross of crises" or "the cross of Christ" (as in suffering, not humility). Relentless effort must be made to overcome the constant obstacles that prevent achievement, contentment or peace. There is a deep sense of frustration from the continuous challenges, and only very limited options in solving them. At every turn and with every effort you feel blocked, as if surrounded by invisible and insurmountable walls.
It is said that fixed crosses do not readily change from the status quo, and they resist movement; their tendency is to impede outside pressures for revision or adjustments. Resistance, staying the course and digging in is their natural mode of energy. They are the opposite of ADHD. The thing is, it’s not so much that those with fixed crosses don’t want to change; the greatest hurdle here is when no opportunities for change exist.
These crosses tend to reinforce Newton’s First Law of Motion: objects in motion tend to stay in motion, while objects at rest tend to stay at rest. It is hard to get them going, but once they do, they are nearly impossible to stop, maybe because of a great fear that they may not get going again. Fixed squares are the hardest to live with because they symbolize the will, which is far harder to surrender or to change than thought (mutable) or action (cardinal). A fixed cross symbolizes the necessity of humility.
Bill Maher, who has a fixed cross, is known as sharp, cerebral, opinionated, outspoken and scathing, as well as a perfectionist with an intense personality. Two of his biggest peeves are the sorry state of American education and the indifference of the United States to world affairs. Oddly enough, those happen to be two of mine, as well.
Geena Davis, whose birth date is the day after Maher’s, also has a fixed Grand Cross, and is known for an IQ as high as she is tall. She won an Oscar for her performance in The Accidental Tourist, will never be forgotten for her role in Thelma and Louise, proved that women can be winning athletes in A League of Their Own, and titillated many a man as a swashbuckling pirate in Cutthroat Island, but she has many interests outside of acting. She has her own institute for gender equality in the media, owns a production company, is a competitive archer who tried out for the Olympics, a member of Mensa, an accomplished musician who plays piano, flute and drums, and also creates cartoon strips. True to the splash arrangement of her chart, she has many irons in the fire. Her fixed cross has several outlets (trines and sextiles) to other planets that enable her to redirect energy for easier advancement. She is able to avoid the Grand Cross trap of having to sink into a painful status quo in order to survive in the world.
I have no such outlet. My Grand Cross is a closed system. I have one simple trine, but it’s not connected to the cross at all. And this is where I return to the question of fate vs. free will.
A new friend of mine, a warm, kind, highly successful woman blessed with a chart that exudes success, is an enthusiastic advocate of giving back. She spreads good karma everywhere she goes in a quiet, humble way. She is generous of heart, mind and spirit and I cherish her friendship. But the other day I ended a phone call with her in tears because even though her mother is a life-long astrologer, my friend clearly doesn’t understand that when someone is in a down cycle, they can row their boat until their arms fall off and they are not going to reach shore. The best they can do is to keep rowing just to stay afloat and even that seems to take every ounce of energy they can muster. I have a need and desire to push a certain business venture forward, but my hands are tied at every turn and it’s hard as hell to row that way. It feels as though my friend believes that I am just not rowing hard enough. When she asked when my chart indicates my next good day and I told her at the end of April, I don’t think she believed it could take that long. Those who have never experienced the energy of a fixed cross have no idea how desperate and painful it feels. She doesn’t realize I would change it if I could, but this is my fate.
Another case in point is a recent client whose chart has a hundred times the business and money acumen of my friend’s. Both of their charts indicate they have lived many past lives as highly successful businessmen (or women) at the expense of family ties and emotional development. This man is in an enviable income bracket, one whose prosperity I would normally relate to greed, and for whom I could muster very little sympathy, if any at all. But the truth is, after speaking with him and finding him to be a humble individual whose thoughts and worries are not for himself, but for those he loves, and seeing the inconceivable, unimaginable pounding his life is taking from the current alignment of the planets, I have nothing but the deepest, most heartfelt sympathy for him. I have never before seen a chart that looks as crushing, and truly wish I could reach up and rearrange the orbits of the planets for him. He understands astrology and knows what is happening, how long it will last, and what the repercussions will be, but he hoped that maybe, just maybe, his will could win out over his fate.
I only just found out that I have a fixed grand cross in my chart. The rest of my chart isn't pretty as well. I feel so morose and dispirited (which only serves to reinforce the vicious cycle of the fixed grand cross).
ReplyDeleteRegarding the theme of fate/free will, I'm torn, because sometimes I have a nagging suspicion that I act the way I do because of confirmation bias. Still, it's preferable to thinking that we can't overcome fate at all - that's a really terrifying thought.
So, fellow cross-bearer...I hope things work out for you. I hope they work out for me, too. Thank you for this thought-provoking post.
Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry you suffer and wish I could help. Sometimes I wish the universe would allow me to reach up and rearrange things, but no matter how much I assure it of the great job I could do, it still won't let me. May I ask which planets are involved and which houses they occupy?
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your article. Would love for you to compare our charts and make a suggestion for surviving my fixed grand cross. Born 2/1/1963 @ 7:05 p.m. Okc, Oklahoma.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I regret that I don't have the time to do all the comparisons and readings that people request of me. If you'd like a private reading, please see the right sidebar under "What you get for your money."
DeleteHi! Its another anonymous but not the same person. And another fixed grand cross too. Your article was really enlightening among the others I've searched thank you so much:) You see there are things i couldn't change after all years like habits like holdbacks and I wonder sometimes when I felt I can do more is it a delusion. I've always believed right time right place and wait but was it the right thing or my endless excuse? Aaaand now I have to make a decision about a serious change in path and hurry. But im still using these exuses to keep in place. Life is a battle no less.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I haven't been able to get here until now. I would have liked to help you with that important decision. Did everything turn out okay?
Deleteyes, kind of. im still resisting every single change in my life. but i decided to push whatever it is until i see clearly.
DeleteInteresting choice of verb - resisting. Are the changes ones that you feel aren't right for you? Or do you feel you have to force changes in a certain direction? Insight from people who have to deal with this on a daily, life-long basis can be so helpful to others who are just discovering this process in their lives. Please feel free to share all you want. It's greatly appreciated.
DeleteI re-read your previous comment, and because I've been up in arms recently about victim shaming, I am also intrigued by your comment that you "are still using these excuses to keep in place." That was kind of the point of this post. I wish you wouldn't blame yourself for the energy you can't escape. Isn't your life stressful enough, don't you feel you're trying hard enough to stay afloat without also condemning yourself for "making excuses?" Searching for your inner being, meditating (even if it's a walk in the woods or staring out over the ocean), and studying your chart to its deepest levels can help soothe your soul. Learning not "that there's a reason for everything," but what your particular reason IS, can help you continue fighting the good fight and keep you from sinking into deep depression because we can't control our circumstances. That was part of my argument about victim shaming. I detest that little quip on Pinterest about women not being victims; they stand and they deal with it! That's a myopic and self-righteous stance. People can't always control what happens in their lives. Having a child with special needs? That's a circumstance, not a choice. Catastrophic illness? Circumstance, not choice. Debilitating injury? Circumstance, not choice. The list goes and on, but apparently isn't considered by the unthinking people who keep posting that pin, which heaps shame and blame on the people who are dealing with it the best they can. I wish they would stop pointing their fingers and offer a hand up. People do make bad decisions all the time. We're HUMAN. It's why we're in a corporeal body walking the earth. We're here to learn, and we each have our own lessons and our own path. It's good to push your boundaries, to learn and grow, but don't be unkind to yourself.
Im so gratefull for your reply. Sometimes to be understood is really hard and you explain some way of my thinking exactly. Im sorry for i cant reply before. But i couldnt find in me before. Today i think my talk_share day. So for records im still in the place, not much changed. But i learnt some facts about myself and others by doing wrong i can see it. When i first wrote i wasnt thinking clearly i was just graduated and i was trying to do lots of things at the same time and all went bad because of i cant decide plus this lots make me their slave that im still trying solving. For example i started a intership that still goes on, started a master degree, at the same time i was preparing a hard exam that actually i wanted to win for money but not believing the following ethics and my heart not fully in it too. So i couldnt pass the exam and my 2nd post time i decided at least tie the loose ends i contunied with in my hands. But the problem is my heart not anymore in them too because im in dire need in money plus as i was backhome home problems back to me and my energy split up tiny millions. I was graduated for my country a really good law university actually but expectations are high as well and i started to think i can do this with my current environment and problems and with full mind. As you said i blame myself for indeciveness and helplessness. But then im trying to relax because when im in deep emotion im no use i know, so in these days im reading astrology or else to dissolve dark clouds. Huh
DeleteAnd oh! The anon in below! i have too kite+fixed grand cross+mystic rectangle. And i experienced extreme up and downs sometimes.
DeleteI remember reading that comment, and thinking, "Are you sure?" because people new to astrology are often confused about charts, kind of in the way that everyone I've ever met thinks they're "an old soul," and yet haven't learned enough to know that's not always something to be proud of. Which has nothing to do with the multi-configured chart owner, or you, of course, but with my own arrogance, I suppose. Just call me Sheldon Cooper. As if he'd have anything to do with astrology. This reply is getting more convoluted by the minute. Never mind! But--you know who else has a chart like the two of you? Debra Winger. She has two yods, a mystic rectangle, a kite (including the grand trine, of course), and a couple of independent trines and squares. I imagine all of you as deliciously complex personalities.
DeleteThank you and sorry sometimes im just being overexcited. Thinking why im feeling or acting that way and where is the solution. Im not expert but after you said that i went to check in different birth chart calculatings yes i think there is no kite:) still there is a grand trine, mystic and trouble trouble fixed grand cross. I had read somewhere some planets placements coming from ancestors. Ive found my mothers chart a grand trine, a mystic r too i couldnt be sure more cause no birthtime. And my sister too have them i was really surprised. But why the hell that fixed cross appeared and made me a stranger i dont know. To surrender the will really hard i can be stubborn about anything till the end.
DeleteGrrrr. This is the second time in a row that Blogger has deleted my comment instead of publishing it. Let me come back to you in a bit. So sorry. If it's not before Christmas (or your preferred holiday), I wish you a shiny, happy one.
DeleteIts no problem its happening to me too. Thank you i wish you a peaceful happy new year!!
DeleteYet another Anon :) Just discovered a Cardinal Grand Cross in my chart involving the cardinal angles as well (yippee!) and 7 planets directly involved, plus a nice little lead into Neptune in Scorpio (2nd) and back to Pluto in Virgo in the 12th, which is part of the tight stellium on Asc plus the Grand Cross - also manage a Grand Trine/kite (into MC). Certainly considered (by others) an intense person, this is often presented to me as a negative, depending on the individual. Now it all makes sense somehow! Got really irritating reading/hearing about Grand Trines and lazy fortunate lives, I DO have luck - I also have situations in life which would devastate others, I walk through the Valley of Death often, know the abyss WELL. Its almost become a quiet place I simply walk alone internally - somehow I KNOW (no matter how shit it gets) theres another UP, and another DOWN coming. Doesn't mean I like it by any means, but my life seems to come in distinct chapters - I am learning not to resist. Resistance, holding on, seems to create a volcanic fireball... It MUST change, and it WILL change - if I try to hold on to anything it becomes cataclysmic :( One thing which really REALLY helps me is the decision to consider that ALL OF THIS is my deeper unknown (bigger) self CHOOSING EVERYTHING. Effectively, freewill of a larger UNSEEN ME. That acceptance or delusional self lie ;) helps sure me up and gets me through the challenges of the Grand Cross - there is not a single planet untouched by that cross - everything is involved. Am very grateful (true gratitude) that reading this I have the cardinal cross, and in cardinal angles - the fixed sounds a more difficult burden. Dont know what else to say, except that your article has helped me, thank you - and good luck! Tanya
ReplyDeleteGeez, How many planets do you have anyway??? You've got a Grand Cross, a Grand Trine, AND a kite? Would you like to share your data so I can take a look? You can send it privately if you want. astrologymemphis @gmail . com (remove the spaces).
DeleteWow great post!!
ReplyDeleteUp until today, I lived as in thinking I have 2 fixed t-squares involving saturn-mercury-pluto ///saturn-venus-pluto.
But an astrologer looked at my chart and told me transpluto is standing in 21 fixed leo, thus making a fixed grand cross. ( I can relate with the fixed Grand Curse.
it;s saturn in aquarius 1st house, merc/venus taurus,4th, transpluto leo 7th, pluto scorpio 10th house.
I am a lethal combo of the crappiest placements...
Transpluto is not a real planet. Who are these astrologers giving out this erroneous information and confusing people?
DeleteHow nice it is to see all these great comments even though I feel for all of you who are suffering. I want to reply to each of you, but the holidays have me running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's hard for me to get exactly what you're talking about without being able to cast the chart, so if you can put your data here, that would be helpful. If you prefer not to do that, you can always send it privately to my email address (remove the spaces) at astrologymemphis @ gmail . com. But, then you'll have to point me back to your comment so I know which of you is which. Thanks, y'all.
Yikes! I am in the midst of my 2nd saturn return and it is very active in my fixed grand cross. I knew the return was coming but I could never have anticipated the level of hardship and deprivation I am going through now. The hardest part is that so much bad and nothingness seem to inexplicably happen to me as I go out of my way to keep moving forward despite the lack of apparent success.
ReplyDeleteI have saturn in Scorpio the 12th opposite moon/mars in Taurus in the 6th; both square Pluto in Leo in the 9th and Pluto is opposite Venus in Aquarious in the 3rd. This experience now is so hard I do not know if I will survive -- or want to. I am isolated at best during normal times but now it is like I am invisible, no longer exist and live in the Void. Everyday life has completely stopped (that's the 12th vs 6th influence). Every relationship has been taken from me in the last 1.5 years: my best buddy moved away; my boyfriend almost died but lived, and then fell in love with another woman; my cat died this year; my mother almost died; my 2 careers have stopped dead (I have had NO work since 2/14); and I have NO money - none (except for what my mom has given me but I really can't afford utilities or food or gas). I am in a vise where I cannot move. If you are really broke, you can't even meet folks for coffee or attend a business function. I have an MBA, run my own 2 businesses (I am a management consultant and do healing/coaching/astrology work), am very good at everything I do and have been super active looking for work this year (I've done more than any other time in my life) but again it's like I don't exist. During this time, I was under consideration for only 1 job -- and that job was the same exact job I did 30 years ago (but different industry) at the same salary as 30 years ago! Fortunately, I did not get the job despite my desperation. Talk about feeling stuck and not progressing!
I am very spiritual and have really grown in this life -- I have learned to be happy with almost nothing, have learned how to love, and I no longer experience loneliness (this is huge as I was VERY lonely, bitter and depressed when younger; and as you can see or guess from my chart, I have never been married or had kids and with a moon in Taurus, that's all I really wanted). I have learned some patience but things have been REALLY bad for the last 12 or so years -- and seem to be getting worse. And I feel like no matter how I grow in consciousness, the next experience is even more harsh and punishing to see if I can transcend that. I often try to discern or hear guidance about what is being required of me but I often am not told. Perhaps worst of all is that no one understands -- and I am careful to not expose things that others cannot handle; I do not want a pity party at all but my life is so strange and limiting that that in itself is isolating as I am just not like other people. Then on top of all this, I experience life on other planets and multi-dimensionality so I am always wondering if I am crazy to boot.
BTW, having a trine link in to your planets in the cross does not help at all in my experience. My Jupiter is conjunct Uranus in the 8th and they trine my saturn in the 12th and the only thing that seems to grow is my tax debt and debt to family members. There is no inheritance $ around.
I do have to say that early in my adult life, I had quite a bit of business success but since I have been 47 or so, my life has been a constant struggle just to survive.
I am just letting off steam here but sometimes just that helps....thanks for the space.
Hi, i have a mutable grand cross. Great read btw. What you wrote are all true... As for my experience, theres not a year where a huge problem doesnt come and ruin me... Its so hard. Its like obstacles cant finish it gives and gives its like its already natural
ReplyDeleteI am going to kill myself because of my fixed chart. I look forward to it. Enough is enough
ReplyDeleteI am ethically obligated to report threats of harm to oneself or another person, so if you don't want police knocking on your door, don't write such things here. I saw your work and you are so gifted. It would be a tragedy to rob the world of your talent. I'm sorry you're in pain. Please find a reiki master in your area and write again when you are feeling better. My heart goes out to you and I wish you great things.
ReplyDeleteHey Lesia,
ReplyDeleteJust found your article. You just described it from a point of view no one else could. It was great. I was looking for some oter people who have this aspect, since its so rare. Thanks for posting Geena's chart, I've always liked her. It helped to see that she has this kind of chart and was able to have a good and productive life.
I always felt like there's no light at the end of this tunnel. It's so sad, no matter what I do, things don't go well. In this world we have to constantly convince other people in order to achieve our goals. Be in a relationship, get a job, even at a class, if a teacher likes you, they might give you a second chance for a paper or something, you know? And w/ this aspect I always felt there's nothing I can do. People ask for the same things as I do, and they get it, and I obviously don't.
There's too many obstacles. It's been 27 years, and I feel so tired of this never ending situation.
Ah, the magic 27 number. You're coming up on your Saturn Return, right? Everything in life seems harder at this time. If you're familiar with a Grand Cross, you're bound to be familiar with the Saturn Return. If by some weird twist of fate you aren't, there are three or four posts (an alpha list appears at the very bottom of this blog) about Saturn's cycle. Any "outstanding" lessons we still need to learn are usually driven home at this time. I'm telling on myself now, but I remember that during my first Return, while living in the Colorado Rockies, I learned that having utilities is a privilege, not a right. It was a cold, hard lesson. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but someday you will look back on this time without regret. It is shaping and informing your future, and you'll understand that it couldn't have been any other way, or you would be someone else, and the person you are is a pretty okay person. Does that make sense? It's true that some people have easier lives than others, and some days I curse the life I got, but then I try to gain some perspective by looking on the bright side: I might have been born an airhead (grand crosses tend to produce high IQs, but a low tolerance for willful ignorance). The Saturn Return and the Grand Cross produce the kind of obstacles that are said to build character, but appreciating character is something that usually only comes with age and maturity. You'll probably find that a previously unknown talent will suddenly come to light during your return. Develop it for all it's worth. It will become an anchor to rely on and a light to guide you through dark times.
DeleteDo you have any sextiles or trines to the planets in your cross? That's your way out. Channel all that determination through the planet(s) in those aspects, and like Geena, you will go far. If you have none in your natal chart, you just have to do what you can with any that form by transit or progression. You have my empathy and respect because the Universe gives the hardest lessons to the strongest souls.
Oh God! I'm gonna make sure to read those posts about the Saturn Cicle. I'm dying already with the perspective of having to deal w/ it. I'm soooooo afraid.
I've made some bad mistakes in my life, bad professinal choices, and I know I'm gonna have to pay for it now. But I can see what you're saying. I would not be me, if it didn't happened. I consider myself a better person, who knows how to respect people. I know if I did continue the path that I was on, I wouldn't see people like I do know, and care and respect them truly.
You said:
"You'll probably find that a previously unknown talent will suddenly come to light during your return. Develop it for all it's worth. It will become an anchor to rely on and a light to guide you through dark times."
... and God I'm so hoping for that! lol I'll take it as my last chance. Because I never knew what I'm supposed to do, and if I do find out something that I'm really good at and can make a diference in someone else's life I'm gonna take that gift for life w/ me. It's what I've been hoping for.
About the sextile and trines I've posted my chart on this link: http://i.imgur.com/uvBrKWA.jpg
So far I've only read one book about astrology, it was pretty basic, so I don't know how to interpret it too deeply. I'm doing an analysis with an astrologer this month. So hopefully I'll be able to understand how to deal with this cross' energy better.
Also, wanted to ask about this:
ReplyDeleteMy first teacher Isabel Hickey thought that squares or oppositions in mutable signs are just beginning to manifest in this lifetime and are therefore the easiest to handle. Squares or oppositions in cardinal signs, on the other hand, are carried over from our last lifetime. If handled appropriately through constructive action they won't manifest in the next life in fixed signs. And squares or oppositions in fixed signs symbolize “lessons we have failed to learn over many lifetimes, and are deeply ingrained patterns of behavior.” Because hard aspects in fixed signs symbolize our will and have become habituated ways of being or responding, they need a great deal of attention and self-discipline to change.
I've read it at another site and thought it made a lot of sense. Do you think that this exists?
I am a great admirer of Isabel Hickey (if you were fortunate enough to have been her student, then I seriously underestimated your age and skill level; my apologies). I didn't begin studying astrology seriously until around. the time she passed, so I never had the honor of meeting her, but the book you're speaking of, "Astrology: A Cosmic Science" was a big influence on me, as well. I do believe she's probably right about this, to a great extent. God knows I've asked the Universe, my spirit guides, guardian angels, and anyone else listening, a million times WTH did I do to deserve this? And as they say, "Be careful what you wish for, as you just might get it." I have only recently begun to think I may have an inkling. And I'll be the first to say that if I'm right, then I got what I deserved. I do believe in the Law of Karma (Newton's Third Law of Motion), and that life isn't linear; it's cyclical, and some of those cycles are much longer and bigger than we can observe during our life spans. Energy is never destroyed; it returns in another form. I am also an admirer of Jeffrey Wolf Green, whose book "Pluto: the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul" contains a clear explanation of the four natural evolutionary conditions of our souls - which reveal where we stand on the evolutionary ladder. And then, there's the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which has information about "Judgment Day" and what that's really like. So there are many schools of thought on the subject, and we should explore them all so that we're as informed as we can be.
ReplyDeleteNooo, I'm sorry I didn't explain it right. I was on another astrology blog and just saw this quotation by someone who apparently was her student. Since you're saying such good things about her, I'm gonna put her book on my list to read.
DeleteSaddly, I've only read one astrology book until now, and websites. But I'm looking foward to learn more about it, it's so fascinating. To tell you the truth, it has given me answers of why things are the way they are, and perspective in life, and actually some kind of faith, wich I've never really had until now.
You know... this WTH did I do to deserve this? phrase.. I ask all the time too. I often think about doing a regression session/therapy. But don't know if will just torment me more.
I'm gonna look up for these books you mentioned. Thank you for the tips. And thank you so much for replying. =)
Got say... this post meant the world to me. I was looking up for people w/ this same aspect, and didn't know where to find. I live in Brazil and couldn't find anyone here talking personally about this aspect. thank you so much.
I apologize for the delay in getting back here. As usual, I am running around in squares putting out fires that make the California wild fires seem like matchsticks. *headdesk* It never ends. Good luck and best wishes to you. Come back any time.
DeleteI just found out I have the fixed grand cross at 51 yrs old and right away thought of my mom's story about my birth, my umbilucak cord was wrapped around my neck 3 times, was shorter than normal and I was not able to have my baby picture taken in the hospital due to all the bruising on my little face from the forceps used to pull me out fast to keep me from being strangled by my own umbilical cord. So I was struggling in the womb as I was being born.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post! I have a fixed grand cross, or at least believe myself to. You say above that if a node is one of the legs, it doesn't count. Won't you please explain how you've come to understand this?
ReplyDeleteI'm really grateful for this post and comments. I've had a lifetime of stressors, feel stuck a lot, AND also have two yods (though also have a lot of releases from the cross, as well as Magic Box, so...) This said, I so totally feel the pain of the writers here. I can't see to get anywhere--this post was sobering...
Please do write back with your thoughts about the node, dear Memphis!
The reasoning behind the cross excluding the nodes is based on the fact that the nodes aren't tangible bodies in space and don't "emit energy" in the way we think of planets doing. If you exchanged the nodes for the part of fortune or the vertex, would you still believe you had a Grand Cross? I don't mean to belittle the nodes in any way; they're extremely important in our lives. Maybe if they have a function as part of the cross it could be as a karmic milestone or turning point in our individual evolutionary journeys. Mine is not the last word in astrology. Think hard about what you feel they do in your life, and test any theories for yourself. Feel free to share your findings here.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a magic box? A mystic rectangle? Now that's a configuration that mystifies me! I see them often in charts of medical personnel, hospice workers and caretakers, but not always in the natal chart. Sometimes they pop up in a solar return or progression just for the duration of the need. Anyone else have any thoughts on it?
Thank you. My fixed grand cross in fixed houses is merc/venus aq 2nd, pallas and south node taurus 5th, uranus leo 8th, jup nep and north node scorpio 11th. I do have mars cap 1st and pluto virgo 9th as sextiles to the stellium in 11th. Lifelong student of transformation but what a struggle to break out of being an assistant, rather than a leader or business owner or consultant. Never made over 30k in any year and huge student loan. I think of mae west as i approach the second sat return: if i cant be an example at least i can be a warning! 2-11-58 2:52 am sacto ca.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, I think you might be slightly confused about your chart. Fortunately for you, there's no fixed Grand Cross in it. As I explained in the 5th paragraph of the post above, the moon's nodes are excluded when evaluating configurations of ANY kind in natal astrology. Asteroids aren't counted in them, either. Compare your chart to the Grand Cross examples given:
ReplyDeleteSteve Jobs had Jupiter and Uranus in opposition to Venus, both of which squared Mars opposed to Neptune.
Kathy Bates has the sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus opposed to Jupiter, all of which square her moon and Mars opposition.
Bill Maher has the sun opposed to Uranus in square to a moon opposition to Neptune.
Geena Davis's chart also has the sun opposed to Uranus in square to a moon opposition to Neptune.
You have an exact square between Venus and Jupiter, the rulers of your midheaven and ascendant, so you're a highly agreeable person, and probably a little self-indulgent. Your chart is more attuned to gambling and winning than to suffering and enduring. Forget about the fixed cross because it's just not there, and appreciate instead the truly lucky chart you DO have that will bring you tons of enjoyment. I'm working on a book now about the charts of lottery winners, and I think when it's finally done and available, that you will find it particularly interesting!
Thanks. Working the last few years with two astrologers who include asteroids influenced my view. So i look forward to the book. I guess a big loan to travel for research was like the lottery depending how it's repaid : ) I appreciate my great fortune, as i am indeed a happy person. Jupiter feels central and its sco 11th placement a central driving theme.
ReplyDeleteI don't get it. how would you even have time for this blog? What do you think the upcoming mutable Grand Cross in the heavens will bring to your own fixed grand cross? THank you for the time you put into this article. I am still trying to understand Cross energy and it is strange because my life has been like this even though I have no Grand Cross. I have a T-square. The wealthy man's story is very strange and interesting to me. It would be amazing to do an article on his chart. I find his case fascinating. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteSorry, my client's identities are private.
DeleteI have aries in venus mars in cancer Jupiter in libra and my midheaven in capricorn is that a grand cross?
ReplyDeleteGeez, I'll bet you hate me. I am just now seeing this question. Sorry!
DeleteIt depends. Are they in aspect to each other within five degrees or so? If your Venus is at 29 Aries and your Mars is at 1 Cancer, then no. You get what I mean, right? The planets have to aspect each other, not just be in square and opposing signs.
Hi Lesia, different anonymous than all of the other ones :) Same problem though - grand fixed cross: Moon in Leo (1) in the First in opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius (6) in the 9th and Saturn in Capricorn (28) in the 8th
ReplyDeleteNeptune in Scorpio (8) in the 6th in opposition to Venus in Taurus (9) in the 12th, Venus is square Jupiter, Jupiter is square Neptune, Neptune is square the Moon, Moon is square Venus. I only have 2 trines: Mercury in Cancer (10) in the 1st is trine Neptune in Scorpio (8) in the 6th, and Venus in Taurus (9) in the 12th is trine Pluto in Virgo (5) in the 4th. I am getting ready for my 2nd Saturn return in the not too distant future and the first one kicked my butt - disabled child, husband with a secret life (now ex husband) and lost everything I owned. I rebuilt my life but am scared to death for the next one. Any hope?
Grrrrrrrrrr! I hate it when I type out a long reply and Blogger loses it. It makes me lose it.
DeleteThanks for your interest. I'm sorry I couldn't makes heads or tails of what you plotted out here. What do the numbers in parenthesis mean? Planets in the 1st house are rarely in opposition to planets in the 6th, unless they conjunct the ascendant / descendant axis, which would be an important fact that should be mentioned. What you've laid out here is like a jigsaw puzzle, and your friends in chat rooms might have the time to solve it, but most working astrologers don't. It's always a good idea to include your complete data.
If your Saturn is in Capricorn, you won't be having the return anytime soon. Better to find where transiting Pluto is in relationship to natal Saturn now, than to worry about what's still a ways away. Second Saturn returns are generally easier than first ones. At age 27-28-29 we are just getting started. In our late 50's, we are beginning to wind down, and have much more experience and life wisdom at that age.
Dear Lesia,
ReplyDeleteI read with an accute interest your article, for my astrological studies on geometrical configurations. Could you please let us know if a grand cross involving the North and South nodes should be considered meaningful ? Speaking of me of course, I have a fixed cross : Sun in Taurus (VIIth and conjunct saturn) opposed Moon in Scorpio (Ist), the two of them in exact squares with the nodes (South node in IXth, Leo, North node in III, Aquarius)...
Thank you for you opinion on the matter, which is to say, 2 actual celestial bodies connected to 2 fictive points.
Warm Regards to you, Natacha.
This is a great question, and I'm glad you asked it. I admit to a tendency to adopt the word of astrologers who came before me. And the moon's nodes are one of those times where I fell into line without doing enough research. I think I even stated in this post that the nodes don't count as part of the cross because they are "fictive."
DeleteOne of the issues here is the spiritual definition vs. the mundane definition of the nodes. We have accepted that the south node has negative karmic implications and the north node's are positive. We have accepted that the north node represents going forward, and the south means going backwards. Blending those meanings into the cross (or into any chart, really) is the problem. Those are such vague definitions. Ask almost any novice astrologer what they mean, and you get an answer like, "Well...it has to do with past lives and karma earned, and a need to balance..." Which is all well and good because the study of astrology SHOULD include a spiritual soul search. But there's also a practical side to astrology; for instance, the transits rarely reveal great spiritual truths.
The nodes also represent milestones and turning points in relation to their aspects. If they are half of a grand cross equation, the dynamics of the cross might / probably still exist: the seemingly endless obstacles, the necessity to stay a course that is constantly irritating like wearing underwear with a scratchy tag that can't be removed, the need to find some kind of balance when life is like riding a tilt-a-whirl at the fair. But if we blend the karmic implications of the nodes with their mundane indications, then their place and "hard" aspects in the cross might show a turning point or milestone reached in the evolutionary lessons of our souls. In your case, you may have reached a turning point in your evolutionary growth related to male vs. female assumptions (sun / moon) about the roles each play; questions of mine vs. yours (1st house / 7th house); these might include issues regarding money, possessions and resources, or pleasure and sex (Taurus / Scorpio);or attachment and detachment / subjective / objective (Leo / Aquarius) opinions and philosophies.
That's my current take on the nodes in a Grand Cross, but never just take my word for something. The best idea is to thoroughly understand what each planet, sign and house represents, and be honest about how they're working in your life.
Best wishes and good luck. Thanks for coming by.
Wow! Thanks for this, lots of insight. I am learning how to read my chart and have 2 fixed grand crosses. No idea what this means for me, it’s not looking good lol I don’t really see this as a negative thing in my life. I haven’t noticed it being an issue for me- maybe that is it at play lol In my research, I have not come across anyone else who has 2 grand crosses - so I’m assuming it is extremely rare.
ReplyDeleteHi Leandra, thanks for reading. You're right about a double Cross being extremely rare. I only recall seeing it once before, and that's in the chart of Nicole Brown Simpson. She had a fixed Cross (Sun op Jupiter; Chiron op Pluto) and a cardinal cross (Moon and North Node sq Saturn; Saturn op Venus). Venus was very important in her chart, being both out of bounds and in mutual reception with the Moon, as well as square it. She must have been very sweet, very feminine. I did a bunch of charts on that murder and put them on Pinterest, including her natal.
BUT this is where I have to talk about erroneous data and harmonics. Harmonics are so accurate that they can point out the differences in twins. They're great for rectifying charts when the birth time is unknown. When I made the Simpson charts, the birth time I had for Nicole was 4:44 PM in Rowald, Germany. I didn't make a note of where the data came from, and now I'm finding that both the time and place have been changed somewhere down the line. The time now being rated AA at astro.com is 2 AM and the place has been changed to Frankfurt am Maine, Germany. Nevertheless, the harmonics created with the "wrong" data are spot-on accurate. This is not the first time this has happened. It also happened with Trump's chart using a built-in birth time in Solar Fire's "Clifford Collection." Harmonics created with that wrong time accurately predicted Trump would win the 2016 election. It upsets me when trusted sources give bad data - and then it works! WTH? I gotta figure this out.
Anyway, Leandra, I don't know how you can have two fixed crosses unless you have a stellium that you might be counting twice. Which planets are involved in each one? I really like to see charts rather than go down a list of "I have the Sun here ___ the Moon here____ Mercury here _______." That makes me nuts. It's too much work. Do you have one posted somewhere?
ReplyDeleteI start by wishing you a good day. I also enjoyed readind your article.
I do have a grand cross that is mutable luckily and reading about the to and froing, made sense in an sort of way. For brievity, I have felt in my life I need one leg in science and the other sort of floats.
However, as I dip my toe in and out of atrology. May I spare some of your time for an question or two?
I do apologise up front that I do not have an chart up anywhere. Apologises in advance for my naiveity.
If I am bothering you; my apologises again and please disregard this post.
My questions are:
I have what looks like a few outs from my cross, leading into Mercury. These outs are from Venus (Sextile. Orb 3 Degrees), Jupiter (Trine, Orb 3 Degrees), Uranus (BiQuintile, Orb 1 Degree)
Would my assumption, reading from the examples that you have listed, and that it's Mercury that would help bring all this mess into focus?
Jupiter is pretty much at the top of the board (11th House) with the rest of the planets being splattered in the other houses (1-8). In my untrained eyes, it seemed most of the pressure comes to Jupiter, would that then funnel down to Mercury as well? Basically is my Mercury my escape out of this fun?
Chart Ruler: Mercury (Promethian retrograde), 3rd House, Cancer
Grand Cross: Moon (Out of Bounds. 26'27 Decliniation North), First House, Gemini.
Venus - 5th House - Virgo
Uranus (Retrograde) - 7th House Saggitarius
Jupiter (Retrograde) - 11th House - Picses.
Other relevent information. - Six retrograde planets. Two out of bound planets. Born in northern hemisphere and according to the Placides method I have two set of interrupted and duplicated houses. Houses 1 and 2 are duplicated Gemini, with 3 and 4 as duplicated Cancer. Resulting in 7 and 8 being Sagittarius, and 9 and 10 being Capricorn.
Moon is Conjunct AC (9 Degree Orb), along with a conjuction to Charon (7 Degree Orb) all in Gemini.
I have a Grand Cardinal Cross involving Moon/Mars/Mercury/Neptune. I can say that there has always been conflict, but now I’m so robust and tricky I can be a fairly good “war strategist” and things other people care about I do not. Things people don’t think about, I think about them. The energy builds up and doesn’t go directly to things it needs to go to..... though. It’s often been a struggle with spirituality, health, home stability, public image and reputation. A good way to deal with a cardinal cross (or probably any cross) is metaphysical/occult study beyond astrology. Find ways to manipulate the energy and you’re in a better place.
ReplyDeleteHello, Thank you for sharing, it was very enlightening... explains quite a lot about my life, to be honest. Question though - I have not one, but TWO fixed grand crosses, a T-Square, and something called a "Cradle"? Just found out about the Grand crosses and cradle today, so I'm trying to figure out what that means for me. The most recent Anonymous commenter mentioned manipulating energy and metaphysical/occult study as a means of navigating it - I find this is accurate, tho I didn't know about the crosses when I delved into those things. As a psychic intuitive that's a contagion empath and most of the Clair giftings (in some respect or another, it's taken my whole dang life up till now to figure this out & acknowledge to myself)... I've had to figure a lot of things out. Most of what we are battling with involves the emotional and mental realms as opposed to the physical. Physical is ordinary and boring, anyways - at least HALF of the thoughts and emotions you perceive are not even your own, and often the constant exhaustion is due to that - processing and combating what isn't yours to begin with. So I just wanted to validate that - my life has gotten MUCH freer and better the more I combated those things - you USE that inner energy to command and clear the thoughts that make you miserable, that attack, or deride you; you DEFEND your inner sanctum and make it SACRED. Same for the emotions, as much as is possible - and then you set healthy boundaries, stop engaging in people, places, and things that influence your emotional world badly. Those things do NOT deserve the honor of your presence, and they will sully you since you tend to merge with them to some degree, inevitably. Once you do these things - the outer world starts shifting, it seems, for the better. Our war is INTERNAL - Mental and emotional spaces, the spiritual and etheric realms (SUBTLE ENERGY BODIES of the physical body!!!). OK, 'nuff of that.
ReplyDeleteGrand Cross #1:
MC in 10° Leo; Descendant in 9° Taurus; Ic in 10° Aquarius; Ascendant in 9° Scorpio; Uranus in 14° Scorpio; Mars in 11° Scorpio; Chiron in 8° Taurus
Grand Cross #2:
Ic in 10° Aquarius; Descendant in 9° Taurus; Jupiter in 5° Leo; Ascendant in 9° Scorpio; Mars in 11° Scorpio; Chiron in 8° Taurus
T Square:
Chiron in 8° Taurus; MC in 10° Leo; Ascendant in 9° Scorpio; Uranus in 14° Scorpio; Mars in 11° Scorpio; Jupiter in 5° Leo
The Cradle:
MC in 10° Leo; Ic in 10° Aquarius; Neptune in 15° Sagittarius; Sun in 13° Libra; Moon in 8° Sagittarius
I appreciate any feedback you can give me on this. Thank you, and I invoke Favor and Joy upon you in all that you do, now and ALLways.
Oh, dear. I've been trying to be nicer lately, so I'll say this as kindly as I can, which is kind of a big leap for me. You're misinformed about what a Grand Cross consists of. The house cusps you gave for the Ascendant / Descendant axis and for the Midheaven / Nadir are not part of a Grand Cross. Those are the angles of the chart, and loads of people have them in square to each other. Loads. I saw an ASC and MC in trine to each other recently, but can't recall now whose it was. Prince Harry's are in sextile. *Those* are fortunate and special. Squares, not so much.
ReplyDeleteWhen looking for formations, only the planets count, although I have seen a few charts where an asteroid or two were significant, as you have included Chiron, and I think that's okay because it's opposed to Mars across your ASC / DSC axis, and anything on the angles holds special importance. Include Uranus in that opposition because it's conjunct Mars. But angles and house cusps included as a cross, never.
Mars conjunct Uranus conjunct the Ascendant is impulsive and rebellious, and of course, gives an interest in astrology. Johnny Depp has them conjunct and very deep in his first house. You know how he's kind of rebellious, eccentric, quirky and has his own unique style--but his are in a quiet and (often) modest Virgo (with flashy Leo on the Ascendant). Besides being right on the Ascendant, yours are in take-no-prisoners Scorpio. Whether you're sinner or saint depends on where you are on the evolutionary ladder.
Jupiter so near your Midheaven, and in the sweet spot, in Leo, along with a Leo path in life speaks volumes. It's well-balanced with that Libra Sun, though. That's a good thing.
You can include Jupiter in a T-square with Mars/Uranus opposed to Chiron, but it's a rather wide square to Mars / Uranus. I tend to use tight orbs, where others may use more wiggle room. Jupiter also squares the ASC / DSC. I think it's an enormous influence on your path in life, your raison d'etre, your igikai.
As for a cradle, I have no clue where you see that. Again, the chart angles aren't part of it; can't be. You may be including other planet's positions that you didn't supply in your comment, but all I see are a wide conjunction between the Moon and Neptune, and Neptune sextiled by the Sun. The Sun is separating from a mild sextile to the Moon by 5 degrees, so in influence, there are more important aspects to consider.
I hope you know I'm still working on the "being kinder" thing, so I hope I'm not offending you, and that you take it with the spirit in which it's intended.
Thank you for this article, I am going to save it for future reminders to not be so hard on myself - and for that cartoon with the people pushing a cart full of rocks and refusing to accept wheels/help!!
ReplyDeleteI too am here because I have a grand fixed cross in my chart. I have always distinctly remembered learning about Newton's law of motion and the concept of inertia. Only when I began learning about my chart did it make sense how deeply that concept affected me, especially considering my natal Mars, its placement in the cross and its rulership of my Scorpio ascendant. I've always felt strongly about the concept of potential energy, as well. Things being too close to the edge of a cliff, that sort of thing. It feels like I am always balancing between too much stagnation and too much motion - either staying at rest too long, or going and forgetting to stop before I crash completely. Again and again.
If you would like to look at another grand fixed chart example, here is my info: August 6, 1990, Aloha, Oregon, at 1:06 PM.
I am lightly studying astrology and would like to get more familiar with it in order to leverage the more harmonious parts of my natal chart to help remediate the heavy hitting squares, as transits allow. Thank you for writing this article and I will return to your blog for more insight as I learn!