November 9, 2011

First National Test of the Emergency Alert Warning System

We have about six minutes to go as I am writing this sentence. I am going to post this and finish it afterwards. The chart for the test and the chart for "doomsday 12/21/2012" have some things in common.


1 Dec 21, 2012
Capricorn Ingress / Winter Solstice
11:12 AM GMT
Greenwich, England
51N30 00W00

Neptune and Chiron conjunct the Ascendant

Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Sagittarius in the 9th House of Foreign Relations

Uranus squares Pluto, a long-term transit that causes upheaval and revolution

Vertex is at 20 Virgo in the 7th House of Significant Others and Opponents

First National Test of Emergency Alert Warning System


First National Test of Emergency Alert Warning System
Nov 9, 2011
2:00 PM  CST
Washington, DC USA
38N54 77W02

Neptune and Chiron conjunct the Ascendant

Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Sagittarius in the 9th House of Foreign Relations

Uranus squares Pluto, a long-term transit that causes upheaval and revolution

Vertex is at 20 Virgo in the 7th House of Significant Others and Opponents

Almost the same degrees as those on the angles of the 2012 chart

Mars opposed to Neptune means deception, weakness, poor communications, anger and distrust. Deviousness should be avoided and will backfire if it's not. Time to pay the piper. This may not be a karmic consequence, but it will do until one comes along. Paybacks are ...well, you know. This is not a time to toot your own horn, or make other loud noises that attract attention. Lay low. 

Mars, the penis planet (anger, hostility, war, weapons, tools, sharp instruments, burns, and other things like sports and sex that draw men as a flame draws a moth), is anaretic. He is not going to rise to the occasion. He is weak and tired and there is not enough Viagra in the world. 

Saturn (authority, government, leaders) has just entered the 8th house (transformation, power, death, nuclear energy, shared resources). He is exalted in Libra (diplomacy and indecision), and trines Neptune (illusion, delusion, deception, confusion): a poker face. He rules the 11th house (friends, allies, organizations). 

Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception, and that's a bit of good news. Both are "fortunate" planets. Mercury is in detriment being in both Jupiter's sign and house, that of foreign relations. But Venus and Mercury conjunct is a bit of sweet talk going on. Don't forget about Neptune's deception if you listen in.

I do worry a little about Uranus (sudden, unexpected, independent, rebellious) squaring off with Pluto (earthquakes, volcanoes, atomic power). Pluto is in the midheaven, making a show of power, and rules the 9th house (foreign entanglements), while Uranus is rising (gearing up for a surprise) and rules the 12th house (secrets, things that are hidden, confinement). This is a combination that stays beyond next year.


Inside wheel: the Sibly Chart for the United States of America
Outside Wheel: First National Test of Emergency Alert Warning System
Nov 9, 2011
2:00 PM  CST
Washington, DC USA
38N54 77W02

The Mercury / Venus conjunction--the sweet talking--
is exactly on the ascendant (the outward identity, in this case, of the USA). The Moon's North Node is conjunct it, so things look fine. 

Weak, anaretic transiting Mars opposes transiting Neptune which conjuncts the moon of the USA (mass confusion).

Uranus (sudden, unexpected, independent, rebellious) opposes the midheaven (reputation, honor). Once Mars leaves Leo he'll no longer be weak. He's moving into Virgo, so he'll be more like Frazier Crane's brother, Niles. But he will begin to make a nice Grand Trine (easy street) with Jupiter (optimism) in Taurus (money, luxuries), and Pluto (regeneration, transformation).  Don't forget Jupiter is in mutual reception with Venus through November 26, so our mood and money improve.

I can't help but wonder if any of that has to do with any of this?

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